That question confused me at the first moment. But with time, it made more and more sense. The collection is a few things that make up a whole, but they don’t have to be together to exist. If I hear about the system, I think about the politics, but it is not enough to understand it… System may be everything, but it must have every element to function. When some parts are missing, the system is not working properly anymore. Or it no longer works at all. It may be like family for example. When a couple breaks up, they are no longer the same family. Children have to choose which parents they want to live with. This system still exists somehow, but it is not complete.
The more interesting system is nature. We don’t realize how important every part of the ecosystem is. We watched a movie that showed how important wolves are. This video surprised me because it’s awesome that this small part of the ecosystem like wolves can change everything. We may say that there are just wolves and they are not good because they kill another animal… The truth is different, because we see that these wolves are seriously necessary.
This shows how important every part of any system is. Not only the ecosystem, but every… What is interesting, in political systems we exchange people to make the system work. We elect new presidents and ministers. These are different people, but this position must be taken. It works a little like an ecosystem. The wolf population is changing, but they have to exist.
To sum up, systems must exist for the world to function. We will not say this about collections. That exists, but does not have such an impact on the world like systems.
I really felt the same about the wolves videos, it surprised how a group of animals could change so much and also made me think about how everyone has its unique and important place.